Thursday, 20 December 2012

French Camino - Apr/May 2007

Stage 1 of my great walk across Spain - Bondi Beach
Walked the entire length of the beach but could see no sign of the Pyrenees, this could take longer than I thought. Will search again tonight in South Korea, hope the camel holds out.
Onwards and upwards

Stage 2 - Downtown Seoul- South Korea
Nightmare flight, 1 hour to check-in, 11 hour flight, 1 hour to wait for baggage, 15 min walk across Seoul airport to queue for 1/2 hour for 1 hour bus trip to downtown Seoul and very swish hotel.
Got out onto the streets at 10pm and tried my Spanish out on the locals (who all looked strangely like Chinamen), but they all seemed to think I was asking them where I was because they kept on saying what sounded like 'Ah Seoul'.
Streets look very colourful and neon-lit at night but very drab, dirty and concrete and glass the next morning.
Stage 2 - London Another nightmare 12-hour flight and here I am in internet cafe off Leicester Square after looking at all the theatre prices I can't afford, sleeping in garage at son's house - freezing cold and have to pee in the garden at night! Still, good training for the Pyrenees which must surely be close by now(I'm sure I heard Pyrenean goat-bells last night at 3am during 4th pee)
Have to feed camel now

Stage 2 - Still in darkest London
Weather is turning very nice and am getting lots of walking done. Strode down to Richmond yesterday and did a boat-trip to Kingston and back on the Thames, very enjoyable, especially as they neglected to collect a fare from me and I saved £6.20! Yay!! Central London is very busy, you can hardly walk down Oxford St,the tubes are jam-packed and the roads are choked with traffic. Today I'm in Shepherd's Bush markets (very medina-like, you'd never know you were in London) and am now about to walk on to Notting Hill Gate to see if I can bump into Hugh Wotsisface and Julia Thingy cos I never saw the movie.
On the plane to Biarritz tomorrow then bus/train to St Jean Pied-de-Port where I have been informed there are some big pointy hills with snow on top which may or may not be the Pyrenees, but I've bought a goat-bell for the camel anyway.
Pip Pip for now
Rogers of All-Ealing
PS Apologies to the Elkinses, you must have slipped off my mailing list, and hello to the Henningses who's new email address I have added

Stage 3 - St Jean Pierre-de Port, France - 8th Apr 2007- 774kms to go Arrived in Biarritz, France by Ryanair flying tube glowered at by scruffy, bored-looking air hostesses and got bus to Bayonne then 4 hour wait and train to St Jean. Found Hostel at 10.30pm and slept in room with 6 bunks, raving party going on next door and serious snorer in bunk underneath me.

Day 1- 9th April          St Jean - Roncesvalles        Walked: 25kms        To Go: 749kms Big disappointment, can´t go over the top of Pyrenees ´cos of snow and British hiker dying last week after getting lost in the snow so have to go alternative route. Under way at 8.45am, sun breaking thru fog and lovely green hills, took wrong turning and climbed bloody great hill that I didnt need to but ended up in the right place. Then walked on main road with hardly any hard shoulder which was pretty hairy, then it was up and up to 1057m, very muddy, small streams running across track and snow drifts appearing. Finally arrived in Roncesvalles and stay in beautiful converted barn with huge arched ceilings and chandeliers, like sleeping in church. Speaking of which I actually went to Mass for the pilgrim´s blessing, didnt get struck by lightning so I guess Jesus still loves me!! Had nice 3 course Pilgrims menu in restaurante for $13.

Day 2 - 10th April        Roncesvalles - Larrasoaña    Walked: 27kms        To Go: 722kms 8.00am start, lovely day but still cold ´cos of altitude, passed thru several quaint villages then lots of really deep mud and heavy rain in afternoon. Missed another turning and had to turn back putting another 2 kms on walk- you´ve got to really look out for the route markers. Got into Larrasoaña at about 4pm, miserable little village with nothing open and raining again, dined on bread and cheese,washed clothes and slept in tiny room with 14 bunks and nowhere to stash your gear.

Day 3 - 11th April       Larrasoaña - Pamplona (Cizur Menor) Walked: 20kms   To Go:702kms Walked seemed very easy, must be getting tough - more mud then drying out into nice day and arriving in Pamplona about 12.30pm. Lovely city, this is where they run the bulls in the street in July at the festival if San Fermin. Walked down the street where this happens, glancing over my shoulder frequently but no sign of bull (apart from my normal conversation of course). Looked at cathedral then had lunch in the Cafe Iruña, which is where Earnest Hemingway used to sit and write his stuff. Felt very literary and I´m sure his spirit entered me sometime after the 3rd glass of wine and I began to mumble quotes from "The Sun Also Rises" . Staggered another 5kms in very nice sunny weather to Cizur Menor in the company of two tubby American girls from Miami who shared my table, and stayed at very nice hostel.

Day 4 - 12th April      Cizur Menor - Puente La Reina   Walked: 19kms         To Go:683 Finally got onto right track after getting lost immediately after leaving the hostel (bloody route signs!) then quite a hard haul up to 750m to a hill with lots of wind turbines and swathed in clouds. I´m walking alone most of the time and really enjoying it, even sing to myself sometimes.
Oh Oh! Arrived at Puente La Reina at 1pm, did some shopping and washing and hung out the previous day´s washing which was still wet. It get´s really heavy carrying wet clothes. Very nice hostel and met up with the people I´ve met from previous hostels - an Australian couple from NSW Australia, the tubby american girls and various other characters. That´s where I am now, watch out for next exciting instalment where I get abducted by Basque terrorists and start saving for the ransom!
Rogers of Navarra

Day 5    13th April   Puente La Reina - Estella    Walked:22kms            To Go:661 Bad news, 2 girls from my dormitory had their mobile phones stolen during the night - so you cant even trust pilgrims! Under way by 8.00am into a steady drizzle and a nightmare first 7kms, it was all uphill and in ankle-deep mud, really tiring. Next 15kms the weather dried out a bit and it was a bit flatter and a lot less mud. Got into Estella at about 3pm and of course everything was shut, the hostel is a really big one with lots of people staying there. Huge crowd around kitchen table at dinner speaking a variety of languages, ended up talking politics with 2 Finns, an Italian and a Dutchman.

Day 6     14th April     Estella - Torres Del Rio    Walked:29kms              To Go: 632 Mild weather,walked a bit with 63 yr old German who´s spent 12years meditating in a caravan in Andalucia, he´s convinced the Jews are taking over the world! Lost him pretty quickly. got to Los Arcos about 12.30, was going to stop here but felt good so kept going to Torres which was a nice little village and found all the people I´d been meeting had the same idea so they had to put mattresses on the floor to get everyone in.

Day 7     15th April   Torres Del Rio - Logroño    Walked:20kms              To Go: 612 Lovely day, no mud, easy walk but drag going thru suburbs of Logroño. Arrived 12.30 but hostel still closed so sat in plaza with gathering crowd of pilgrims and then about 12 of us all went of for a A$17 3-course meal inc wine. Had a siesta then a walk around town, had a look at cathedral. That night, some of the girls(Spanish,French and Brazillian) in the hostel bought a pile of food and made dinner for everyone. We divided up the cost and it came to under A$3 each inc plenty of red wine!

Day 8     16th April  Logroño - Najera                Walked :29kms           To Go: 583 8am star - Light drizzle and long drag out thru suburbs, lots of road walking and hard clay, got hot in afternoon and lots of roadworks - not very pretty. Had trouble finding Refugio(hostel) - no signs so took long to get there. Big Refugio, clean toilets but you bang your head on the door when you sit on the loo! Same crowd from last hostel made another meal for everyone - Spag Bol, salad, bread, wine, chocolates again for under A$3 each. What great people!

Day 9   17th April   Najera - Grañon               Walked : 28kms             To Go : 555 Cool start, steep climb out of Najera then stopped for coffee in small village, then off thru rolling countryside, green fields, ploughed fields agricultural land rich with the aroma of cow-poo! Got to Santo Domingo de la Calzada at 12.30, had a look around town and cathedral - they keep a live cockrel and hen in a glass cage in the cathedral to commemorate some old legend.(which I´ll tell you all about one day if your really bored) Then pushed on to Grañoñ which is a very small village and met some old friends from the camino: Phillip the German with his 3 dogs, Wica the Slovenian woman, Orwella the Italian woman and Willie the Dutchman. The refugio was in the bell-tower of the village church and was run by the priest, so we all got ushered off to mass and got blessed again - second time for me so now I am twice-blessed!. That night the hostel provided a huge 3 course meal that we all helped to prepare, there was salad, lentil and sausage soup, then pork steaks with chips and all the wine and bread that you could want, there were 22 of us sat round a long table, the next morning they gave us breakfast as well, all this plus the lodging was in exchange for a donation of your own choice!! There was a box for donations with a sign which said " Give what you can or take what you need" - could hardly get it into my backpack!

Day 10   18th April    Grañon - Villafranca Montes de Oca   Walked: 27kms   To Go: 528 Away by 8.30, French couple gave me a straw hat that they found on the road, just as well as it was a lovely day, cuckoos calling, snow-capped mountains in distance and rural countryside. Got to Belorado in 3 hrs and bought bread,cheese and sausage and ate in the town square then pushed on to Villafranca. Major road with huge lorries passing thru village, nobody I know at refugio, had tin of meatballs and instant rice for dinner, then Phillip,Wica and Orwella and the dogs("The Dog Squad" I call them) arrived so chatted to them while they made dinner. Phillip is not allowed to bring the dogs into hostels so he has to stay in a tent with them every night, has to go and find food for them and carry bowls for them to eat out of! What a mission!

Day 11  19thApril    Villafranca Montes de Oca - Villafria  Walked:32kms!!   To Go: 496 Stone-last out of hostel, sunny day and steep climb out of village then hard clay tracks thru forests which was a nice change. Passed the Dog Squad rubbing evil-smelling lotions into each-others feet, I think Phillip´s onto a good thing there! Later reached top of long drag up hill with lovely view in all directions and there was an old sofa parked right in the middle of the track! So set up camera on self-timer to take photo of self reclining on said furniture. Orwella caught up with me here, having left the Dog Squad as she has in a hurry to finish Camino, She´s a strong girl with powerful calves! Runs 2 marathons a year apparently, we walked on for a couple of hours to Villafria where I stopped and she still carried on another 8kms to Burgos!! No Refugio in Villafria so found a cheap hotel, Villafria is a purely industrial area with a 6-lane highway running thru it carrying lorry after lorry belching smoke and noise. The bar is on the pavement and you can hardly have conversation because of the noise, anyway had a good shower and washed clothes and left to dry on radiator.Then watchedTV in room - LUXURY!!. Went down to bar for a drink and in walked Willie the Dutchman, he´d walked 44kms that day, just when I thought Id done well with 32kms!We had a couple of drinks and agreed to meet up around Burgos cathedral the next day.

Day 12  20th April     Villafria - Burgos       Walked 8kms              To Go:488 Horrid 8kms slog on motorway thru endless rows of factories and gas stations, found the cathedral and did the obligatory tour and found Willie and the Dog Squad(now minus Orwella) in a cafe on the plaza. Took photos of each other with a statue of a pilgrim and went our seperate ways, found an internet cafe and sent last newsletter then had a Doner Kebab for lunch and decided to stay in Burgos that night and went off to find the Refugio. The girls who had been making dinners for us at the hostels showed up again with another ready-made meal even tho they weren´t staying at the hostel. You meet really nice people on the Camino

Day 13  21st April      Burgos - Hontanas    Walked: 29kms        To Go:459 Lovely day again, nice easy walking in the cool of the morning (We´re above 800 meters) then hot and dusty in afternoon. Stopped at tiny hostel/bar in the middle of nowhere for a beer, looked very hippy-like and I suspect a lot of chemicals were being imbibed. Hontanas looked just like a typical dusty Mexican village from out of a Cowboy movie, kept expecting to see Clint Eastwood spitting out bits of his cheroot at sleeping dogs. Had nice dinner in Hostel and met Bertil from Sweden and Udo and Matteus from Germany none of whom speak English very well, especially Bertil who reminds me of the Swedish chef from The Muppet Show and insists on relating long boring stories in horrific English much to the dismay of the Germans.

Day 14   21st April     Hontanas - Boadilla del Camino      Walked: 29kms   To Go:430 Another lovely day, easy and cool to Castrojeriz then dirty great hill followed by dusty and hot trek to Boadilla - did the whole walk non-stop. Met Mick from Australia and Robin from UK, both ex- bankers and walking together. Checked into wonderful hostel with garden and swimming pool and proceeded to drink the afternoon away with real English speakers until the Germans and the Swede arrived, but our English had deteriorated to their level by then and a jolly dinner ensued.

Day 15   22nd April    Boadilla Del Camino - Carrion de las Condes  Walked: 25kms To Go: 405kms Nice weather again but long boring track running beside main road for most of the way. Passed Mick and Robin who were going slowly and only doing about 20kms a day so wont see them again. Got overtaken for the first time on the Camino, eveyone says I walk fast but today I got overtaken by an 80 year-old German who told me later he´d been trying to catch me for 10kms. Oh well, hope for all of us yet!
Got into Carrion at about 2pm and everything was closed for the whole day because of a public holiday, was hoping to buy food in supermarket and have a cheap day, but another boring dinner with the 2 Huns and the Swede. Got to lose them!

Day 16  24th April  Carrion de Los Condes - San Nicolas del Real Camino Walked:33kms To Go:372
Hard 17 kms to start along flat straight rocky boring track, a region called the Meseta which goes on for miles.Stopped at village for bocadillos(sandwiches made with baguettes) and beer, Huns Matteus and Udo were there. On to next village where every body was going to stay but decided to push on to San Nicolas. Passed a sign saying 'Secret Garden' then a little clearing under the trees with all sorts of food laid out on a stone table with a sign saying for pilgrims to help themselves and leave donation in box. There were oranges, fruit juices, chocolate, tea and thermos of hot water and you were just trusted to leave some money - amazing. San Nicolas Refugio really great, only 4 other pilgrims - had room to myself, no shops in village so forced to dine in restaurant!! Shared table with Helen and Richard(from New Zealand), Blondine(lady from France) and Mar-Spanish lady who proceeded to give me intense Spanish lessons which was great but exhausting.

Day 17 25th April  San Nicolas - Bercianos de Real Camino  Walked:17kms   To Go: 355
Rain. Achilles tendon started to hurt after an hour, gradually got worse and had to stop at Bercianos because of pain and heavy rain. Mick and Robin arrive and go off to bar, i try and join them later but am driven back by pain and torriential rain, so sit all afternoon in Hostelmn with ice-pack on tendon. Big dinner at hostel with all pilgrims sitting round kitchen table. Each nationality goup had to sing a song from their country, Germans sang jolly marching song, Korean guy(Mr Yoo) sang poignant ballad of love and revenge, us Pommies mumbled "Yellow Submarine" and then Mick and myself belted out "Waltzing matilda". Then it was prayers for pilgrims time and each nationality group had to read out a prayer from a book in their language. We English got some bizarre psalm featurig lambs and serpents etc. Leg hurting and can hardly walk. Could this be the end?

Day 18 26th April  Bercianos - Villarente   Walked:32KMS!!!  To go:323
Rubbed Ibuprofen gel into leg and took painkillers and decided to try and hobble to next village(8kms). Leg seemed to improve as I walked so pressed on. Character in red poncho and white beard looking like Santa Claus directed me to bar in very posh English accent at next village. Met him at the hostel that night and his name turned out to be Nicholas (Santa Claus-Geddit?) Hostel I was going to stay in was very small and ful of walkers so pushed on to Villarente and met Mar in the shop.Really nice hostel with washing machine so washed all clothes. leg a bit stiff. Met English couple Bob and Morag, Morag is "Healer/Masseuse" and gave my leg a rub.

Day 19 27th April  Villarente - Leon   Walked: 12kms  To Go:311
Breakfast in hostel and away by 8.30. Leg now very bad (so much for massage) and limped very painfully into Leon. Waited for hostel to open and Bob and Morag showed up with Matteus who I havent seen for a while. Nice big roomy hostel. hobbled up to big department store (El Corte Ingles) and bought some socks - all my three pairs have holes in them. Bumped into Mick and Robin and we had dinner in kitchen of hostel. Put Ice on leg all evening then Morag decided to do "healing" on it, this consisted of holding my leg in her lap and chatting away to Bob about all and sundry!!

Day 20   28th April  Leon - Villadangos del Paramo Walked:24kms    To Go: 287
Left at 10.10, leg feels great - was it the "healing" or was it the ice??!! had a look around Leon and the cathedral on the way out. Boring walk, took a wrong turning and added another 5kms to the walk, just when I wanted to rest the leg! Checked into hostel and met South Africans John and Tony. had Bread and cheese for dinner around communal kitchen table

Day 21  29th April   Villadangos - Astorga   Walked:28kms To Go: 259
Took wrong turning immediately but noticed after 100m, passed John and Tony, then later on passed Mick and Robin. Stopped at a bar in Orbigo and in walk Mick and Robin again! left them behind and entered Astorga in time to see traditional dancing in the town square.Checked into hostel and went for a pizza in the plaza, about 2 hours later in walk Mick and Robin who´d got lost somewhere. Then Mar showed up followed by Matteus then Mr Yoo the Korean and we all ended up having a nice Pilgrim´s dinner in a restaurant

Day 22 30th April   Astorga - Rabanal del Camino  Walked:21kms   To Go: 238
Had to wait till 10.00am for shops to open so I could buy a new poncho as mine had split. bitterly cold wind blowing, poncho acted as good wind-break.I was now at 869m and would be going up to 1149m today. At second village bumped into Mar and we had coffee and brandy to keep out the cold and I walked on!! Reached hostel to find Mick and Robin already installed, we all went for a drink and in walked Mar who proceeded to chat up a lorry-driver and wangled herself a lift onto the next village. Later on it snowed and everyone was leaping about taking photos. Had a pilgrims dinner in bar.

Day 23 1st May    Rabanal - Ponferrada  Walked:33kms  To Go:205
What a day, started very cold with light drizzle, climbed up to the highest point on the whole camino 1517m, there was snow everywhere and the spring flowers were coming out as well. Beautiful views of countryside, got to the Cruz de ferro which is a monument erected for pilgrims to place a stone on from their own countries and get a free pardon for all their sins!! So I duly chucked on the minute pebble I´d carefully nursed all the way from our garden in Glenorchy. It was snowing quite heavily now as I started the descent into Ponferrada which is down at 543m.
it gradually warmed up and everything turned green again, stopped at next bar for lunch and in walked Mick and Robin closely followed by Mar. Mick and Robin decided to sleep there and I walked on with 4 Germans and we caught up with Mar again who turned out to know the Germans too. Checked into the hostel and went in search of food. Got to main plaza and yet again bumped into Mar who had Matteus in tow now so we ducked into a bar only to find the 4 germans again and a nice dinner ensued

Day 24  2nd May    Ponferrada - Cacabelos   Walked :15kms   To Go:190
Lovely day, walked thru vineyards and arrived at Cacabelos, was going to go further but looked at hostel in Cacabelos and facilities were very good and had a lot of washing to do so decided to stop.Later on John and Tony the South Africans arrived followed by Mr You the Korean. The hostel was like a motel with small rooms and 2 beds to each room (luxury) Shared room with Mr You which disappointed him as he was hoping for a "beautiful lady".

Day 25  3rd May  Cacabelos - Vega de Valcarce   Walked: 26kms  To Go: 164
Another sunny day, more vineyards, passed thru Villafranca del Bierzo- nice town but heard later that only one hostel was open and was very crowded and dirty so hooray for Cacabelos. After Villafranca there was a choice of routes, I took the hard one which went right up on a mountain with beautiful views and lots of wild flowers.Stayed at Brazillian-run Albergue and had a Brazillian dinner that night

Day 26 4th May  Vega de Valcarce - Triacastela  Walked:34kms   To Go:130
This walk took me over the 3rd mountain range of the Camino, from 630m to 1337m, very tough climb up to O Cebreiro then Alto de Poio with beautiful views and no snow this time, just green meadows and flowers.Then it was all downhill (tough on the knees) to Triacastela.Met 2 English people I´d seen before- Helen and a guy called Robbie Williams would you believe! Achilles tendon playing up again so more ice-packs. Dinner of Cheese and wine in hostel kitchen

Day 27 5th May  Triacastela - Ferreiros  Walked:34kms  To Go:96
Sunny but cold,walked thru very rural area, small villages and farmyards, cow-poo and silage smells everywhere - reminded me of Somerset! Arrived in next big town Sarria at 12.30 and pushed on thru lots of deserted little hamlets without seeing any other walkers then rounded a corner to find a whole flock of them sitting at an outdoor bar. And there was Matthias who I hadn´t seen since Ponferrada, so a beer was had and we pushed on together to Ferreiros and stopped at a small hostel then later a pilgrim´s menu dinner in an empty bar. What a Saturday night!

Day 28 6th May Ferreiros - Palas do Rei  Walked:31kms To Go:65
Last to leave hostel at 8.30,started in the sunshine but descended into very cold clammy fog which lasted until about 11.30, hands so cold that I could hardly open water-bottle. Stopped for coffee and cake in Portomarin. Then a bit of a climb out and then on thru several small hamlets with weather getting hotter and hotter after being so cold in the morning, a group of Italian walkers sitting at a picnic table invited me over for a glass of wine and we had a chat in a mixture of English,Italian and Spanish. Next minute, up pops Matthias again who´s actually turning out to be a really nice guy, he was duly offered wine and we pushed on together for an hour until I left him at a bar with tummy problems. Got into Palas do Rei at 5pm after a long day and checked into a really nice hostel where they hadn´t crammed the bunks right on top of each other. Did usual routine of shower and wash socks and knickers etc , went for a walk and bumped straight into Matthias who was staying in another hostel. Were having dinner together when in walks Mar who I haven´seen since Ponferrada we all agree to meet up in Santiago which is only 3 days away now.

Day 29  7th May     Palas do Rei - Arzua  Walked:26kms  To Go:39
Got away at 9.30 after session on internet, overcast and cool day, not pretty but OK for walking.Lots of steep climbs and descents passing thru villages and farmyards.Had a beer and a tortilla (Spanish omelette) in Furelos then after 4 hours caught up to Matthias and walked with him to the outskirts of Arzua where his boot fell apart and he stopped at a garage to get it glued up. On to albergue which was OK and did washing, Matthias arrive with glued-up boot and we had a bottle of wine in the main plaza and of course Mar rocked up with 2 English guys in tow. Bought snacks in supermarket for dinner, had a couple of conacs in bar by myself as Matthias went to bed early as he wants to do the whole 39kms to Santiago tomorrow

Day 30 8th May   Arzua - Monte de Gozo  Walked :35kms  To Go: 4
Nice day but descended from town into cold, clammy fog which lifted after an hour, more climbs and descents,  lots of pilgrims now as you only have to do the last 100kms to Santiago to get the same certificate that I will get after doing 774kms, to pass the time decided to count the number of pilgrims that I passed, got to 40 before I gave up. Last 10kms were a killer, very hot long straight white sandy track, felt like I was walking in a desert. Monte de Gozo is a huge pilgrim complex with long barrack- like buildings and beds for 2800 pilgrims.Wished I'd pushed onto Santiago

Day 31   9th May    Monte de Gozo - Santiago   Walked: 4kms To Go: 0 Left the concrete prison complex at 9.00pm and walked in fine sunlight, as I approached Santiago the little yellow arrows that had guided me/led me astray for the last 770kms disappeared for ever (thanks a lot) and the roads were dotted with pilgrims scrutinising maps and searching for any indication signs. Struggled onwards thru narrow old city streets and bumped into Udo the German guy I hadn't seen for a week, then finally into the impressive, cobbled Obradoiro Plaza and the cathedral. Went in and did the obligatory pilgrim hug of the statue of saint James(Santiago) then off to find a room (luxury) very close by and back to the cathedral for the midday Pilgrim's mass. Very theatrical with lots of priests and a nun who sang beautifully, must have been close on 1000 people there. Met my old chum Matthias then Philip with the Dog Squad, then Dutch Willie who I had met on the first day of the walk, then Udo again. Myself, Willie and Matthias then went off and had lunch,  heard a huge bellow from across the road and there was the ubiquitous Mar of course. So all four of us met up that night and had the final supper in a little non-touristy restaurant then it was goodbye, Willie back to Holland, Matthias back to Germany, Mar back to her home town of Ponferrada and me on a plane to UK to see my beautiful and much-missed wife before our holiday next week in Portugal.
So, 774kms in 30 days,(I dont count the 4kms of the 31st day as I deliberately left them so I could arrive in the morning)
Average of 25kms per day, never thought I'd achieve that, but I'm glad I did it before I turn 60 next year. Gonna seem strange not walking every day, but I wont miss washing my socks!!

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